Friday, October 30, 2015

Death of a brother

I only have one brother, a kuya. I've loved him so dearly.

But he died today.

Not literally though.

I hate any negativity on this blog. But I just have to post this to remember the day that I am now without a sibling.

Sadness envelopes my life at this point. But I am choosing to move forward.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hello from the Philippines!

Hello! Hello! We're still alive!

Sorry if it appears that I neglected this blog. You see, my greatest mistake in coming here in Pinas for a long vacation is not bringing my own laptop. I thought I could use the old one that I left here but for some reason, it's just not here anymore. Right now, I am just using Ford's old netbook (that he dumped onto me in 2012) and it's sooooo slow!

Anyway, I'll be back in Edmonton in less than a month and I am hoping that I could blog often again (is that possible if you have a very active toddler?)

Whew, Nathan's first birthday is fast-approaching and I am in toxic mode. But we are very excited of course!

Oh, here he is now! So cute, I know!

Oops, I've got to go back to party preps.You'll hear from me again soon!